Peki d oslo amanda lear biography
Peki d oslo amanda lear biography
Amanda lear.
Amanda Lear was probably the most famous male-to-female transsexual of the 1970's but is hardly known in the UK and USA - despite her close association with Britain. This seems to because she lived and worked in France during the most succesful parts of her career, and she has refused to publicly acknowledge that she is transgender.
Her Biography
Alain Tapp transitioned and became Peki d'Oslo in 1959 or 1960. |
For many decades there was huge uncertainty as to where and when Amanda was born. Amanda seems to have had a lot of fun throwing confusing hints to the media about her childhood, for example, based on various statements she was born in Vietnam or France in 1939, but it might have been Hong Kong in 1941 or 1945 or even 1948. In 2010 she claimed during a TV interview that she was born on 18 November 1950 in Saigon.
She's apparently of mixed parentage, at various times she's claimed to have British, French and Indonesian fathers,